Buy The Silent Hustler
by Sean Meriwether
[Lethe Press, 10.2009]
Originally published on VelvetMafia.com [02.2002] and in Law of Desire: Tales of Gay Male Lust and Obsession [Alyson Books, 06.2004] |
The Theory of Forward Motion
“Wanna suck on this, Frankie?” Kevin massaged his crotch then flew at his target and slammed him into the wall. Ryan folded around his persecutor’s body and absorbed the pheromonal brilliance emanating from him. He inhaled dirty hair and the smell of changing leaves. The boy’s skin tingled where they touched: across his chest, left arm and finally crotch as Kevin flattened against him. The dirtbag’s breath was hot against his ear. “I’m gonna get you,” he panted.
Kevin spun Ryan around and yanked his pants down. The younger boy braced himself for a poke in the ass, but instead a knee came up between his legs and sent him sprawling into the white tiled wall. His head thunked against the hard surface and he saw a dark field of green stars before dumping onto the ground.
“But wait, there’s more,” Kevin emceed. Joey Hogan grabbed both of the boy’s wrists and forced him to stand up. “Gotta nice fat turd for you, shit eater,” Henry Guerts said. Joey marched the thin boy into the stall and forced him down on his knees. He forced Ryan’s head into the bowl where the stench of his excrement waited. He tried to squirm out of Joey’s grip but had no leverage; Ryan’s face plowed the dirty water and emerged baptized in his own shit.
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