Penboy7: Alternative fiction from Sean Meriwether
Anyone walking away from The Silent Hustler will remember Meriwether's name and likely have a strong reaction to it. -- Amos Lassen, Reviewer\ /
Buy Hot Cops: Gay Erotic Stories
Buy Hot Cops: Gay Erotic Stories
edited by Shane Allison
[Cleis Press, 06.200]

Raise Your Expectations

The man dropped a hairy arm around Ryan and grabbed the whisky out of his hand. He filled his own mouth, then pressed his lips against the boy’s, pushing the warm liquid into his mouth; it spilled down Ryan’s chin and throat. The escaped criminal backed off, laughing. “You’re something else, kid.” He paced around his prey, sizing him up. “Never drank, never fucked, never been in a fight. Smoke?”

Ryan lies with a nod.

“There’s hope for ya’ yet. Take off that shirt and shit. You and me’s gonna fight.” He set the bottle of J.D. on the floor and approached the boy.


“Skinny faggot like you’s gotta learn to protect himself.”

“You’re what I need protecting from.”

Finish "Raise Your Expectations" in Hot Cops or The Silent Hustler

Who is Sean Meriwether?
Sean Meriwether & Emanuel Xavier
Saints & Sinners, New Oreleans


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