Penboy7: Alternative fiction from Sean Meriwether
Anyone walking away from The Silent Hustler will remember Meriwether's name and likely have a strong reaction to it. -- Amos Lassen, Reviewer\ /

Buy Tented: Gay Erotic Tales from under the Big Top
Buy Tented: Gay Erotic Tales from Under the Big Top
edited by Jerry Wheeler
[Lethe Press, 10.2010]

Circus Maximus

We dressed quickly and set out with the constant worry that someone from Cronus was behind us. Six picked out a path only he could see, led us over rocks and dead trees, forded streams on our northbound climb. We fed on wild berries and river water, lichen and anything that looked edible. We never discussed the circus or any of the perils that lay in wait but adopted a live-for-the-moment survival skill. Days were spent walking endlessly, at night we’d take solace in each other. The forest gave us a freedom that we had never had in the circus, where we’d have to jerk each other off beneath the sheets hoping that no one else was awake. On our journey, we knew each other in every physical possibility that our minds dared to imagine and others that our bodies mindlessly suggested; there were no boundaries to limit our explorations.

After several days, when we were as dirty as the ground we slept on, I climbed the tallest tree to check our progress. I stared down in disbelief at the big tops of all shapes and sizes that littered the valley like brightly colored jellybeans. They existed as far north as I could see.

I climbed down reluctantly and started walking away as Six peppered me with questions. We’d never known what the world was like outside of the fairgrounds, but we’d heard stories. Now I believed them. We would never be safe, but I couldn’t let him know that.

Finish reading "Circus Maximus" in Tented: Gay Erotic Tales from Under the Big Top

Who is Sean Meriwether?
Tom Cardamone, Sean Meriwether & Michael Graves
The Lost Library Reading, NY


Five Bad Pickup Lines that have been Used on Me:
Are you gay?
Do you come here often?
GWM seeks same
Have you see the bathroom?
Haven't we met before?